We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!
Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!
We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us
We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!
We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!
We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!
We support the collection of Ocean-Bound plastic waste,
for happier populations and a cleaner environment.
Join Us Let's save our Oceans
from Plastic Pollution!

Ranong Recycle
for Environment

Ranong Recycle for Environment (RRE) is a Social Enterprise located in Ranong, a province in the south of Thailand.

Together with the Fondation Jan & Oscar and #tide ocean material®, we support the collection of certified Ocean Bound Plastic for recycling into high quality, long lasting products and textiles.

The collection centre is located by the river, in the heart of Ranong city. Local collectors and communities are bringing plastic waste from the coastal areas and islands of the Andaman Sea.

Tide Ocean Material ensures the collection, sorting and traceability of the material from the first mile collector to the 100% recycled pellets.

We support the difficult work of the waste collectors and develop projects on the ground with local communities to fight ocean plastic pollution.


RRE and Tide Ocean Material ecosystem in Thailand:


Tons of Ocean Bound plastic collected for recycling since 2020


Registered plastic collectors from coastal and island communities


Community projects sponsored by partners and grants


Local workers


Take Action Now and Donate!

฿ 1000

Allows us to collect XXX bottles or XXX kg of plastic!

฿ 2500

Allows us to collect XXX bottles or XXX kg of plastic!

฿ 5000

Allows us to collect XXX bottles or XXX kg of plastic!

Custom Donation

We’re thankful for any amount we receive as a donation to keep our planet clean!





หาบริษัทบัญชี รับทำบัญชี บจก. ...ในจังหวัดระนองครับ ด่วน! (ก่อนวันที่ 25 มิถุนายน 2567)
092-714-4128 ดิว
083-843-9998 ชาย

...วิสาหกิจชุมชนรีไซเคิลเพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อม จังหวัดระนอง
สามารถสื่อสารภาษาไทยและอังกฤษได้อย่างดี เนื่องจากจะต้องทำงานร่วมกับองค์กรทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ
ที่สำคัญจะต้องมีประสบการณ์และความรู้ด้านบันชี และสามารถทำงานเป็นทีมร่วมกับผู้อื่นได้

*****หมดเขตรับสมัครถึง 31 มกราคม 2567

💚 Giving plastic a second life, protecting our oceans!
In Thailand, Ranong Recycle for ...Environment and Tide Ocean Material are cooperating to clean up and protect the oceans from plastic pollution.
Their work means less pollution, more local jobs and a cleaner future for our oceans.

Taking action is possible. Support recycling, protect the planet!

💚 Donner une seconde vie au plastique, protéger nos océans !
En Thailande, Ranong Recycle ...for Environment et Tide Ocean Material coopèrent pour nettoyer et protéger les océans de la pollution plastique.
Grâce à leur travail, moins de pollution, plus d’emplois locaux et un avenir plus propre pour nos océans.

Agir, c’est possible. Soutenez le recyclage, protégez la planète !

À 19 ans, Bem est une étudiante appliquée qui prépare un diplôme d'architecture et de ...design.

Après avoir perdu son père à un jeune âge, sa mère et ses grands-parents ont soutenu Bem et ses frères et sœurs qui travaillaient dur à l'école.

Aujourd'hui, face à l'augmentation des coûts de l'enseignement supérieur, Bem a besoin d'une bourse pour réaliser son rêve de devenir architecte.

Serez-vous celui ou celle qui soutiendra son parcours ?

Visitez notre site internet https://www.fondationjan-oscar.ch/en/donate/sponsor-a-child/
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#thailand #ONG #scholarship #education #educationforall #educationmatters #educationisthekey #wateraccess #schoolconstruction #childrenprotection #moken #ThailandProject #thailand #switzerland #NGO #ONG #scholarship #SponsorAChild #SupportEducation #JanAndOscarFoundation #GiveBack #MakeADifference

Sirinapa's life has been transformed thanks to your ...donations.
Your help has enabled him to study and get a meaningful job.
Discover her inspiring story!

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