About Jan & Oscar Foundation

Jan & Oscar FoundationOn December 26, 2004, a devastating tsunami hit Asia, causing the death of thousands of people. Amongst them were 12 year-old Jan and his 8 year-old brother Oscar who lost their life in Thailand. In the immediate aftermath of this tragic event, a humanitarian project is born in an outpouring of solidarity.

The Jan & Oscar Foundation was officially founded on June 29, 2005. Since its creation, the Foundation’s mission has been to support the schooling and education of underprivileged children living in Thailand. In 18 years: 12 schools have been built, 3,000 children have gained access to drinking water, and over 800 children have been able to attend school thanks to our scholarships.

For almost 15 years, the Jan & Oscar Foundation has been helping the Moken living on the island of Lao, by actively participating in the schooling of children. But with our project to fight against plastic pollution, “Moken, guardians of the sea”, our Foundation wished to go one step further. We have noticed that the first generation of school children has difficulties to continue their studies or to enter the labor world.

It is necessary to allow them to access a professional training that makes sense in their way of life, or to ensure them a complementary income if they wish to perpetuate the traditional activity of fisherman.

That’s why in 2019, we established the social enterprise Ranong Recycle for Environment (RRE) to collect ocean plastic waste in Ranong province for recycling.

The aim of our project is to provide jobs and new sources of income for disadvantaged people in southern Thailand (Moken, Burmese migrants), while offering concrete solutions to combat marine plastic pollution.

The Moken fishermen now have the opportunity to sell the plastics collected at sea or on the islands at a fair price directly to our collection center. Young Moken adult who wish to do so can also come to train and work in Ranong to sort plastics in exchange for a fair wage and accommodation.

The Moken

The Moken are an ethnic group of fishermen living on several islands in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Burma and Thailand. Traditionally the Moken are nomadic. They move around and live part of the year on their boats, the kabang, subsisting on fishing and shellfish harvesting. But their way of life has been threatened for many years. Intensive fishing is drastically reducing the fish and shellfish resources they have access to, and plastic pollution is hindering their work.

The 2004 tsunami highlighted the special status of the Moken in Thailand: a majority of them have no identity papers, which prevents them from accessing formal work, social benefits or even the public health system. Without documentation, most Moken are forced to work in dangerous or degrading conditions, and for wages well below the minimum required.

The goal of this collaboration is to support community-based and sustainable waste management that respects the social and cultural organization of the Moken, with the hope that through word of mouth, it will inspire Moken in other communities.

Community project on the Surin archipelago & Koh Ra



หาบริษัทบัญชี รับทำบัญชี บจก. ...ในจังหวัดระนองครับ ด่วน! (ก่อนวันที่ 25 มิถุนายน 2567)
092-714-4128 ดิว
083-843-9998 ชาย

...วิสาหกิจชุมชนรีไซเคิลเพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อม จังหวัดระนอง
สามารถสื่อสารภาษาไทยและอังกฤษได้อย่างดี เนื่องจากจะต้องทำงานร่วมกับองค์กรทั้งในประเทศไทยและต่างประเทศ
ที่สำคัญจะต้องมีประสบการณ์และความรู้ด้านบันชี และสามารถทำงานเป็นทีมร่วมกับผู้อื่นได้

*****หมดเขตรับสมัครถึง 31 มกราคม 2567

💚 Giving plastic a second life, protecting our oceans!
In Thailand, Ranong Recycle for ...Environment and Tide Ocean Material are cooperating to clean up and protect the oceans from plastic pollution.
Their work means less pollution, more local jobs and a cleaner future for our oceans.

Taking action is possible. Support recycling, protect the planet!

💚 Donner une seconde vie au plastique, protéger nos océans !
En Thailande, Ranong Recycle ...for Environment et Tide Ocean Material coopèrent pour nettoyer et protéger les océans de la pollution plastique.
Grâce à leur travail, moins de pollution, plus d’emplois locaux et un avenir plus propre pour nos océans.

Agir, c’est possible. Soutenez le recyclage, protégez la planète !

À 19 ans, Bem est une étudiante appliquée qui prépare un diplôme d'architecture et de ...design.

Après avoir perdu son père à un jeune âge, sa mère et ses grands-parents ont soutenu Bem et ses frères et sœurs qui travaillaient dur à l'école.

Aujourd'hui, face à l'augmentation des coûts de l'enseignement supérieur, Bem a besoin d'une bourse pour réaliser son rêve de devenir architecte.

Serez-vous celui ou celle qui soutiendra son parcours ?

Visitez notre site internet https://www.fondationjan-oscar.ch/en/donate/sponsor-a-child/
Ou cliquez sur le lien dans les commentaires
#thailand #ONG #scholarship #education #educationforall #educationmatters #educationisthekey #wateraccess #schoolconstruction #childrenprotection #moken #ThailandProject #thailand #switzerland #NGO #ONG #scholarship #SponsorAChild #SupportEducation #JanAndOscarFoundation #GiveBack #MakeADifference

Sirinapa's life has been transformed thanks to your ...donations.
Your help has enabled him to study and get a meaningful job.
Discover her inspiring story!

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